Friday, January 23, 2009

Candy- Jumping on board the Gypsy Caravan!

My friend Alex introduced me to this fun giveaway. I thoiught "Awww Heck, why not?" So I'm joining the {Gypsy Caravan!}


Its called ONE WORLD ONE HEART and its a way to join other artists in blog hopping and lots of FREE giveaways! All you gotta do is visit the participating blogs (over 450 so far!!!) leave a comment and wait for the mass drawings on Feb.12th! Click on the link above to see the "Gypsy Caravan" of 454 (and growing!) blogs!!

Since this giveaway is all about the Blog Candy, I thought it appropriate to share with you these cute projects before I get to MY giveaway...I found this darling candy stamp set and just had to have it! Above are a few simple ideas of how to use the stamp. I just made some tags to tie on to the appropriate candy, the tags were made out of scraps and were way super fun to make! (I'm thinking about doing the sweet tart ones for kids Valentines this year...) Arn't they just so stinkin' clever and cute?

With Valentines around the corner and love in the air, for my OWOH Giveaway I am including:

*A box of Sweet Tarts w/ tag

* Heidi Grace Ribbons

*BoBunny Bodacious Brads

*Deluxe Designs Plain Janes Chipboard Florishes

*EK ArchiteXture Glass Embellishments

*Scrapworks Tailord Tab Letters

*Heart Confetti

* A Tube of Irredessent Red Beads


* A Yard of Shimmery Scalloped Ribbon

But wait!

There's more!! I am also going to give away 3 sets of candy tags! (it IS blog Candy afterall!) so yep, I'm doing 4 total giveaways!!

To enter all you need to do is leave a comment to this post. Make sure there is a way to get a hold of you if your a winner, either through your blog or an email address. I will draw 4 names on Febuary 12, 2009. Good luck, and happy blog hopping!!




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Vie Chaotique said...

The first giveaway has my name allll over it!!! Please visit my blog as well.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh, pick me! Pick ME!! I love your giveaway and your blog!! Stop by mine for my giveaway too!!


My Journey to Hope said...

Oooh! I hope I win this one. Please enter my name & come check out my giveaway, too!


Anonymous said...

Yum yum, please enter my name to your draw :)

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Anything scrapbook: send it my way! Please add me to the drawing! (I've become a follower, too!) Please come visit my ONE WORLD-ONE HEART GIVEAWAY, too!

Jaime said...

Cute idea! I love me some blog candy!

Unknown said...

the candy tags are cool a really great giveaway
please add me to your drawing
if you get a chance drop by mine at
carolyn h

nikki/WhiMSy love said...

I love all those crafty bits!!! And those candy tags are super cute!
(I'm also part of OWOH!)

Saskia said...

I was just hopping from one blog to another. And so I discovered OWOH!! Great, sharing creativity all over the world!! And so... I created my own blog this week...for all of you!!

You have SWEET giveaways!! I love the candy-tags!! And wow, all that card-making-stuf... dream, dream, dream...

Someone, somewhere.. will be very happy with it... I can only dream it's me :)!!

Greetings from Belgium,


Jingle said...

Great gifts! Please include me!
jinglesells at gmail dot com

The Odd Bird said...

wow... such fun things... Count me in.. thanks...

Anonymous said...

We can all use some fun blog candy.
Please count me in.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

WOW! So many neat things! And we all love craft supplies!

Please enter me and visit my blog to enter!

Jennifer said...

how awesome heather! I love your giveaway! There are some yummy goodies here...

Jennifer said...

how awesome heather! I love your giveaway! There are some yummy goodies here...

Kitty G said...

I love blog candy and I love Sweettarts - add me to your drawing please.

Mae said...

Love those tags. What great ideas you have given me. Thanks for the offer!!


~*~Patty S said...

Please put my name in the hat for a chance to win your neat giveaway! Thank you!

You can find me at OWOH#122

Unknown said...

I could have alot of fun with all those crafty goodies. Thank you for entering my name.

Aisha said...

Oh wow! This is such an awesome giveaway! Please enter me, would love to win them!

Unknown said...

Hey Heather! Cute candy tags! Love them! Great prizes too!

Pink Rufflez said...

Thank you!

Smokeylady60 said...

Great giveaway
Please enter me.
I am number 303 if you would like to enter and it is for a square blue dish.

Anonymous said...

Oooooooooh! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhh! Please, sign me up to be in your drawing!

Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs

Jennifer Juniper said...

Heather! 4 giveaways?! Wow! I'd love to enter and to invite you to mine. Thank you! Jen

Shannon Roberts said...

How cool & How fun! I guess I know what I am doing all weekend! LOL!! Off to check out how to join in on all the fun! Thank you for this opportunity!

Artseyanne said...

So cool,
please include me in your draw.
Anne S

Artseyanne said...

So cool,
please include me in your draw.
Anne S

Geralyn Gray said...

Those stamps are such a great idea!!!!!!!! I love them and they would make such a great gift.

Robin said...

great giveaway
robin krieger

calej said...

so cute!!! Hope I win!

Kim Mailhot said...

Wow ! Sweet ! ;-)

Thanks for the chance to win ! Enjoy the OWOH love and feel free to add you name to my giveaway too !
Cheers !

Anonymous said...

Great give-away! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks!

Bleubabe at aol dot com

Becky Sorensen said...

So much fun in your goodies, I would love to be entered into your drawing, thanks

Kath Stewart said...

fab give-away...please count me in...and come visit me

luckygirlgifts said...

Enter me.
Cari B.

Re said...

I’m having so much fun making friends and blog-hopping again this year.

Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I’m chosen as the lucky winner!!!

Kristy said...

I would love to win this great stuff!

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I'm an OWOH participant too :)

Cathie said...

What an absolutely CUTE CUTE CUTE IDEA! Do – please – enter me in your fun and creatively different drawing as not only do I love art (but I love candy too!!!) Yum!

Digital Misfit said...

What a SWEET giveaway ;)

Those stamps are too adorable!

pop by my blog for a visit anytime!

Simply Stacie said...

Awesome! Please count me in :)

American Homemaker said...

Ooohh please enter me :) And I love those candy stamps. They're so fun.

Ashlee said...

How SWEET, thanks for hosting such a tempting giveaway!



how pretty- please include me!

Dawn said...

Hi Heather
Great to meet you!
Your giveaway is great - love it!
Count me in!

Stop on by!


Nelly said...

Yummy! Thanks for your offerings. Your tags are the cutest.

Michelle McGee said...

I love your tags

Ruth Rae said...

candy! what a sublime give away! :)

jjwiskus said...

great give away
please enter my name
check me out at
light my torch

Lady Christie said...

What a great giveaway


techyone said...

Wonderful giveaway. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

What fun!

Check out my giveaway if you haven't already!


Unknown said...

Did you say candy!!
'Cause I thought you said candy!
And, I loves me some candy!
really cute, yummy stuff!

Anonymous said...

Yum, yum, eat 'em up. We all want candy:) Love your tags and this whole thing sounds like fun. I think I will have to read more about it.

Unknown said...

I love this giveaway! Please enter me! said...

Hope I win your giveaway! Its nice to meet you, if you haven't already, come by and visit me, I have a giveaway also! Rachael at

Robin said...

Oh I am so in!! You have great giveaways!! Those candy tags are adorable!
Please count me in and stop by mine and enter if you get a chance!
Robin #218

divaqueenie said...

Your candy tags are so clever and unique! Thank you for sharing your talents with us!

stampgram said...

Your candy wrapper items were so cute. And I love your giveaway...oh, yeah, more toys to play with! Please enter me.

Kathryn said...

Heather, you are amazing! I am in awe of all you do and do so well. Please add me to your drawing. Kathryn at

Andrea Hatfield said...

What awesome giveaways! Thanks for the chance =)

Jona Panesa said...

such a yummy giveaway! please include me in your drawing.

Lynn Stevens said...

yummy candy, and I have a sweet tooth!!

max_memories said...

i just love this stamp set what a cute idea!!!!!
christina dennis!!!!

Janice said...

Wow, what great prizes. Please enter me in your giveaway.

Kate Robertson said...


What fantastic prizes, I would love to have you enter my name. Come check out my prize if you like.


terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Yum! YUM! I love blog candy. Please enter me in the giveaway.

sewfunky said...

woohoo what a great giveaway!

Please enter me in the draw and don't forget to hop on over to my OWOH giveaway too! (#144 on the gypsy caravan!)

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are too generous....ok, enter me and hope you have fun reading all the comments....that blog candy is too cute.

Lisa W. said...

Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am participating in OWOH also and would love for you to stop by. # 223 :-)

Amber Dawn Inventive Soul said...

What a COOL give away ~*Heather!*~

If you have not already joined my blog give away, please drop by soon!
Thank you for sharing your clever ideas!

Amber Dawn

Anonymous said...

Zowie! That is a generous "goodie bag"!! Anyone would be thrilled to receive that package of crafty goodness. Please count me in! And feel free to come visit and enter my drawing if you like.

Tina Leavy said...

oh what fun.very nice. would love to be entered in the drawing. thanks for the opportunity. please stop by and visit when you get a chance.

Laume said...

Your giveaways are YUMMY - hehe. Funny about the candy labels. I've been collecting candy wrappers for awhile for a collage idea I've got cooking in my head. I really should start experimenting with my wrapper stash and see what happens.

Dschrader said...

Please add me to your drawing!
Donna K. Schrader

Aihara Ramintessah Sanchez said...

Hi.Welcome to OWOH!Im loving those items.Hope il win!Please enter me in the draw and feel free to join mine.Regards.

Btw,Happy Anniversary.Better late than!

Lilly said...

I LOOOVE this giveaway! This is really really GREAT!!! Please count me in!!!

Jenn Borjeson said...

Sweet! hee hee Get it?
Count me in!
Thanks! :o)

Anonymous said...

My mouth is watering! I do mixed media collages, ATCs, AND I scrapbook, so any of your giveaways will be put to great use.
Come by my blog too, if you haven't already....I'm giving away a necklace. I'm #21 on the list.

Anonymous said...

What a fun giveaway! Anyone would want to win these darling goodies! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

HeARTworks said...

Hi! I’m visiting from the Philippines. I love candy in any shape form or size-Wish I win! If you haven't already, drop by for a visit and join my raffle!

carylsrealm said...

Wow! How generous! This would definitely fix my craving for candy! ;o) Please include moi! And if you get a chance, please stop by my OWOH!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You have some great candy that you're sharing! Awesome!

Happy Anniversary earlier in the wk btw!

Pricousins at aol dot com

Melanie said...

beautiful!thanks for such a generous giveaway,love your blog :)
mel xx

Marge Sexton said...

These are just so very cute!!! What fun, THANKS!!!

Fiona said...

What great supplies - please count me in. and come and visit my OWOH -

Bibi said...

ooh very generous giveaway! And I agree - the stamps are too cute! If you haven't done so yet, please hop over to my blog and enter the giveaway that I'm putting together - and if I am lucky enough to win, you can contact me by commenting on my blog

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

What very generous and FUN giveaways! Please enter me into your drawing, and if you have a moment, visit my blog to enter my giveaway, too! =)

Anonymous said...

WOW! This is an incredible giveaway! I would be honored to win! Please add me to the drawing! Thanks so much!
Jessica Worthy

Jenna Z said...

Oooh, what a lovely scrappy package! Thanks for the chance to win!

Celeste said...

This is an awesome package - count me in!

contact me at:

Geri said...

Great Giveaway! Great Blog!

uniquecommodities said...

Count me in! and feel free to check out my OWOH giveaway

Corrine said...

yes please, put my name into the hat. I love candy:)

sandee said...

What a yummy giveaway! Count me in, PLEASE!!!

And if you haven't done so already, please stop by my blog and check out my giveaway:


Alexandra Lundgren said...

YEAH!! Awesome giveaways, but I would expect nothing less from you girl! You so ROCK!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

YUMMY. Thank you for the chance to win!!

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Latharia said...

Oooo! oooo! Pick me! :) Please do enter my name in the drawing! What a generous person you are! :) Love the "candy" ... and all the crafting goodness! If I'm lucky enough to win, please send me the good news at latharia(at)comcast(dot)net ... meanwhile, do visit my blog & enter my giveaway!

Rebecca said...

You had me when I saw you were giving away Sweet Tarts -- my fave!! The other goodies are just icing on your spectacular giveaway. Thanks for inviting us in to play.

Unknown said...

Thanks for entering me!
unforgetable_dreamer_always AT hotmail DOT com

Patti G. said...

Heather, Ohhhhhh fun, darling and sssssweet too! Count me in and come visit me too! Hugs,Patti

Alice Regan said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Please do enter my name. I'm having so much fun traveling the OWOH road! I'm marveling over all the wonderfully talented artists around the globe. I do hope you pop on over to my blog to visit my OWOH giveaway!

Lisa Cook said...

Always fun to see what everyone comes up with for OWOH! Add me to the list and thanks for stopping by my blog today as well.

Anonymous said...

I just love these giveaways! Such wonderful bloggers and the amazing talents just make me want to "be creative". Please count me!

Paula said...

Yum, yum, yummy! What an adorable and fun, crafty and creative give away! And your blog is gorgeous, too! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win! Please stop by my blog and view my give away as well - I'm #360 on the list!!

Thanks so much!!!

Craaaazy Laaady said...

Well what the heck! I might as well take a chance and go for it. Here is my blog

Dawn said...

What a great giveaway. Please enter me - I would love to win.

MiaRae said...

Count me in this looks fabulous!
check out my give away for one world one heart!

Unknown said...

OMGosh!!! Pick me! Pick me! I really, really, REALLY want this! :)

If you would like a chance to win some hand tatted lace then hop on over to my blog during your OWOH gypsy caravan travels. OWOH #118 :)

miss_moneymaker said...

Please enter me.

Thanks for the chance.

sarahjd766 at

The Whimsical Goblin said...

Cool... count me in :)

Bella Modiste said...

Please count me in! And don't forget to sign up for mine!

~The Bella Modiste

Renee G said...

Please enter me. What fun things.


Heidi Jo said...

What a great giveaway- the materials and the tags! Count me in!

PattiV said...

What a Fabulous giveaway! I would love to be entered in your drawing. Please stop by and enter yourself in mine as well.

Linda said...

Wow 4 wonderful giveaways, I would love to win one, please enter my name in your giveaway.
Cheers Linda

arielle said...

What great stuff!! Ohh I think I am in love! <3 hehe
Please enter me. Thanks!

ariellezander at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

You've given a whole new meaning to the term "blog candy" and I love it!!

Thanks for participating in OWOH!


Anonymous said...

thanks for the generous giveaway!


Anonymous said...

thanks for the generous giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Nice collection of yummy blog candy :D Crafty goods are always appreciated! Please add my name to the drawing. Thanks! Eva

Anonymous said...

Ok, I tried to leave my comment with my name and blog url but for some reason it saved without that--so here's my info:

Kathy said...

candy?!?! candy?!? did i hear candy! Count me in..i would love to win this giveaway!! THANK you for sharing with us on this ride!

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

What a wonderful giveaway. Please enter me. If you haven't already, visit me to enter my giveaway!

Evidence of an Artistic Life said...

This is a fabulous giveaway!!! I would love to enter, and please stop by my blog and enter also!!
chris p

Once Upon A Blue Crow said...

Oh fun, fun, fun! What fabulous items and I like your ideas! Please include me and stop by for a visit if you get a chance.


Unknown said...

Your giveaway is awesome! Please count me in.

Mackinac-opoly said...

This is a great giveaway.

Thanks for the opportunity,

Viola said...

Lovely giveaways! Please add me too! :o)

Arlene Mobley said...

Great give away! add my name thanks


Anonymous said...

Too cute! Please come visit my blog!

Laurie said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and entering my giveaway (#430)! I love all the great stuff you've assembled in your generous giveaway and hope I win (especially the candy tags!) Please come back and visit my blog anytime!

Mary said...

Please count me in! I'd love a new stamp set. :) Thanks!

Lisa said...

Blog candy, indeed!! Put my name in and then come visit me. :)

myownplace said...

Please enter my name. And thank you.

Altered Route said...

Great Yummy blog Candy!!
Sweet blog you have too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance


Parson's Daughter Studio said...

great give-aways! please enter me

s hyler said...

What a wonderful collection of goodies. It is so nice to meet you through this event,
Have a wonderful day,

Jodi said...

Love, love, love all your yummy "candy". I would be thrilled to win this great giveaway, and would definitely have a great time creating with it all. Thanks for the chance to win.

Brenda said...

What a sweet giveaway. Count me in please (#574)

Anonymous said...

Wow this is great! Please enter me! Oh and check out my blog for a giveaway!

SpiritMama said...

Four prizes, hurray!
Thanks for entering me in your giveaway!

Waxela (wa-shay-la)

Lelia said...

Four? So sweet & awesome of you!! Delightful giveaway : )

torinem said...

Great giveaway! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

too cute... what a wonderful giveaway.. Please enter my name in your awesome drawing..
Thank-you, Christina

Anonymous said...

hello from the Philippines! wow, i would love to win one of your generous giveaways! count me in!


Love your giveaway lot! Please add me. :o)

jojoebi-designs said...

how generous you are.
Please pop my name into your hat then come and enter in mine

Jacquie Hart said...

HI there OOOOH This is an awesome RAK ty I would love to try and win it, you can find me at my blog

Franny said...

This is so awesome! Huge! Pick me please....I would jump for joy to win something the day after my 20th anniversary!

I have never been to this event before so after seeing so many presents, I became a participant!

I am so amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.

This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.

Come and visit me on Picklebeans!

Lorri said...

Great Giveaway prizes and 4 of them too :) Please include me. I'm number 584 if you would like to join my giveaway too! :)

Ima Ventriloquist said...

Oh, my...what a lovely, lovely giveaway! As a paper addict with a vicious sweet-tooth, I'd like to thank you for hosting it and for the inspiration.

Wishing you a creative New Year and always! xo

B.B. Bellezza said...

Awesome giveaway! Please enter me! And thanks so much for visiting my blog, too! This has been really fun!


Sam said...

oooh, I love anything do with my card making - so please please pick me!!! That candy set looks fabulous, but so does the rest of it!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I do love your blog candy. What fun. Please enter me in your giveaway. Be sure to enter my giveaway (#357) as well. Thank you from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor

Angie said...

how yummy fun!!! please enter me

Mimi said...

Wonderful! Please enter me in your drawing.

Stop by & enter mine, too. I'm #640.

Have a wonderful night!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

this is fun! do count me in your giveaway! I would love to win!


Geekery said...

Please enter me into the draw and don't forget to head on over to my OWOH giveaway to enter mine!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the draw, and pop over to my blog if you'd like to check out my giveaway too.


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Now who couldn't use a bit of blog candy bling? What a generous giveaway and straight from the heart.

Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway also.

hfsolutions at juno dot com

Mary said...

Wow! What a generous and creative giveaway! Please enter me in your drawing.

crazierinreallife said...

what a great give away. I can see myself using each and every one of your items!!

Please enter me in your drawing. Then stop by my blog and enter mine.


trisha too said...

thank you for the chance.
owoh #177

(although, like a total goof, I WAS signing 277 for a time--sorry to the REAL 277!!)
sandtneal at mfire dot com

Anonymous said...

I love Sweet Tarts! Please enter me in your drawing! Thanks!!

craftychick said...

Oh please sign me up love it all!!! stop by my blog too!!

Ann said...

Oooh, what a fab bunch of goodies! Please enter my name, and if you haven't done so already, stop by and enter mine, too (#71).

cox_cchs AT hotmail DOT com

Renee said...

Just what I need, some fun. xoxo


Rusted Wings said...

Please count me into the drawing, and drop by and check out my new blog #479, Rusted Wings!!

SuseADoodle said...

way awesome!

Enter me in your drawing -- PLEASE! :-)

Have a Great OWOH Blog-Hop!

"Suse Bee"

cheryl said...

Sweet, sweet giveaway!

If you get a chance, stop by my humble OWOH:

angelandspot said...

Please enter me. I'd love to win some of that candy. What a sweet giveaway.

Anonymous said...

wish I had these right now as we are doing nursing home treats for V-day!


Erika Powell said...

great giveaway! Thanks

altermyworld said...

pls add me, thank you for the HEART giveaway, stop by and visit me

maryboys said...

heather! nice to meet you - thanks for stopping by my blog:) i have to tell you that i *think* you might have to do a separate lo of your son titled "the ice cream incident"! lol. please add me to your giveaway:)

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for entering me.

And thank you for stopping by to visit Mayberry Magpie and enter my drawing. It's been fun to meet so many new bloggers.

LiLi M. said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and entering my owoh give away. Your creative packages are to nice. Please count me in! Have a nice day!

Angel Tousignant said...

mettez mon nom dans votre tirage s.v.p.

Carole Burant said...

So delightful!! Yes, please, I would love to have my name added for your giveaway:-) Thank you! xo

Make sure you come by and enter my own giveaway for a faerie box...I'm #770.

Moniqui said...

Sweet giveaway,i love it! Please enter me in your draw and dont forget to visit mine!

Candy said...

Great offerings!!!! Please put my name in the hat!!



Char said...

Hi from Oregon,

Would love any of these!

Please sign me up for your giveaway!!!
And, if you haven't yet stopped by mine, please do!


Jenn Klee said...

I'll do anything for some sweet tarts! Drop by my blog to sign for my watercolor painting giveaway ;)

Stacy/Creativemuse said...

I love your Artwork. I am so excited to find your blog! This OWOH event is totally awesome! Thank you for participating and I look forward to visiting again!

Sharris145 at roadrunner dot com

Viki Banaszak said...

Awsome! Please add me to your giveaway :)

Val said...

Hello from Northern Alberta Canada.
What a generous giveaway! Please add me to your draw.Thanks.


martha brown said...

I love your goodies and your tags -- too cute! Please enter me into your draw -- thank you so much!!! I'm off now to look around your blog!

Rhondi said...

What a great giveaway. I'd have lots of fun with all that good stuff!!

Sophie said...

Great prize package. Would love a chance to win.
Sophie in Montreal, Canada

Lori said...

Your give away is as adorable as you!!!! So cute and sweet too! Later,Lori P.S. My email is at my blog and thanks for the give-away!!!!!!

Brittany said...

Hi there,
I am so glad that I've come across your blog in the One World One Heart event! It is nice to meet you and take a look at your gorgeous creations! The candy tags are adorable! Please enter my name into the drawing! If you have time please check out my blog, you can also contact me there.

Anonymous said...

Very sweet and creative giveaway! Please count me in and I would love for you to stop by for my giveaway too.

Beadyjan said...

Yum yum.

Your work is great.

Count me in

I'd love to win!

Why not call by my blog and see if you can win mine?

Anonymous said...

so cute! I'd love to win ! Please check out my blog for a OWOH giveaway as well :)

Linda . J said...

Wow what a fantastic giveaway I would love to win your goodies there right up my street. Please enter me.I will be adding you to my side bar.
Thank you hugs Linda

KKJD1 said...

Wonderful goodies! Count me in too, please. Thanks Karen

Beth said...

thanks for commenting on my giveaway. I'd love to be added to yours! I enjoyed your post on the Sovereignty of God. That's something I'm studying right now too... specifically in the area of His wisdom and reading "Behold Your God" by Myrna Alexander

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